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Signs You Need to Replace Your Unvented Cylinder’s Combination Valve 20 Feb 2024 The combination valve is one of the most important components attached to your unvented cylinder. In fact, it’s crucial for safe operation. Like all components, it will wear over time and will eventually need to be replaced. If you don’t have regular maintenance, you’ll need to replace it much earlier than otherwise. But what are some of the signs to watch for that might indicate a need to replace your combination valve? A Lack of Hot Water Your combination valve includes a pressure-reducing valve. Its job is to reduce the pressure coming from the mains so that it is safe… Read more
How Annual Maintenance Can Improve Your Unvented Cylinder’s Efficiency 6 Feb 2024 Unvented cylinders offer superior performance and reliability to older water heating options. They’re available in a range of sizes and capacities and can be installed almost anywhere in your home. However, despite all its capabilities and advantages, your unvented cylinder does require a little bit of care during its lifespan. Annual Services can help ensure that you avoid costly problems and catastrophes while improving your cylinder’s efficiency. Let’s discuss what you need to know. What Is Annual Maintenance? Most of your home’s appliances should be serviced, maintained, or at least inspected once or twice per year. For instance, your furnace… Read more
What Is a Tundish? Understanding Unvented Cylinder Components 30 Jan 2024 Unvented cylinders offer reliable performance, peace of mind, and the steady stream of hot water you need at every tap in the home. However, because it’s a sealed, pressurised system, safeguards must be put in place to help prevent potential problems. One of those safeguards is called a “tundish”. What is it, and what does it do? What Is a Tundish? Technically speaking, a tundish is nothing more than a special type of pipe fitting. You’ll find them on unvented cylinders but also on boilers and other pressurised systems, where it’s important that you can check for leaks. What Does… Read more
What Is a Combination Valve: Understanding Unvented Cylinder Components 23 Jan 2024 Unvented cylinders offer a steady flow of mains pressure hot water at every tap in your home. Gone are the days of dealing with low-pressure water at taps higher in the home or dealing with the maintenance challenges of a vented cylinder. However, that doesn’t mean that unvented cylinders don’t require maintenance. They do. You should have your unvented cylinder inspected and serviced at least once per year to make sure that it’s in good working order and to prevent unanticipated breakdowns with components, such as the combination valve. Not sure what a combination valve is or what its purpose… Read more
Range Tribune Unvented Cylinders: Exploring the Benefits for You 2 Jan 2024 You have many options when it comes to purchasing an unvented cylinder for your home. However, the Range Tribune line is one of the most popular with customers throughout the UK. What gives it such staying power, and what should you know about it before making a purchase? Let’s explore Range Tribune unvented cylinders so you can make an informed decision. What Company Manufactures the Range Tribune Line? Range Tribune unvented cylinders are manufactured by Kingspan Water & Energy. The same manufacturer also makes Albion, Ferham, and Kingspan cylinders. What Makes Range Tribune Unvented Cylinders Worth Your Time? You want… Read more
No Hot Water from My Range Tribune Unvented Cylinder: A Troubleshooting Guide 26 Dec 2023 Range Tribune unvented cylinders are known for their reliability, performance, and affordability. However, they do require the right care and maintenance over time. Otherwise, you could find that you open the tap, and no hot water comes out. If you’re experiencing no hot water from your Range Tribune unvented cylinder, it could be due to one of several different causes. We’ll help you troubleshoot the situation. Check the Cold Tap The first thing to do if you notice that you have no hot water is to close the hot tap and open the cold one. Do you have cold water?… Read more
4 Ways an Unvented Cylinder Improves Your Home’s Efficiency and Reduces Energy Consumption 19 Dec 2023 Looking for ways to make your home more energy efficient? You’re among millions of UK residents doing so for a variety of reasons, from the desire to save money to feeling some degree of energy independence to protecting the planet. While you can do many things, replacing your aging water cylinder with a modern unvented cylinder can do a great deal to enhance energy efficiency and cut consumption. Here are four ways you benefit from installing a modern unvented cylinder. 1. Better Insulation Makes a Big Difference An unvented cylinder’s ability to maintain a specific internal temperature is the key… Read more
4 Tips to Improve Unvented Cylinder Efficiency 12 Dec 2023 Life before the invention of unvented cylinders was much more complicated. To have hot water at the taps, you had to install a cold-water cistern near the top of your home. Even then, you didn’t have mains pressure hot water or the same pressure at all the taps in the house. Unvented cylinders have changed things dramatically. However, that doesn’t mean that yours is as efficient as it could be. Here are four simple tips to improve unvented cylinder efficiency, reduce costs, and even benefit the environment. 1. Drain and refill the cylinder Most municipal water supplies contain some degree… Read more
Unvented Cylinders vs. Instant Water Heaters: What Homeowners Should Know 14 Nov 2023 Having hot water available when you open the tap is an incredible thing that most of us take for granted. That is, until your water heater fails. Then it becomes apparent just how much we depend on these devices in our lives. If you’re replacing an aging appliance, building a new home, or putting an extension on your existing home, it’s important to make the right choice in water heaters. Today, you have new options. One of those is an instant water heater. How do these devices compare to unvented cylinders? What Are Instant Water Heaters? Instant water heaters do… Read more
Tips to Help You Maximise the Lifespan of Your Unvented Cylinder 7 Nov 2023 Purchasing an unvented cylinder is an excellent choice. It ensures you have mains pressure hot water at all your taps, even those located higher up in the home. It also gives you a great deal more flexibility when it comes to installation location than what’s possible with an old-style vented cylinder. However, you’ll need to properly maintain that cylinder if you want it to last as long as possible. Below, you’ll find important tips to help maximise your cylinder’s lifespan. Have a Qualified Engineer Perform an Annual Check This is the single most important tip we can provide. Make sure… Read more

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