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What Is a Water Heater Timer? 23 Jul 2024 Today’s water heaters are much more advanced than they were even a few years ago. They’re much more insulated and more affordable, and unvented cylinders can be installed anywhere in a building, rather than having to be installed near the top like vented cylinders. One area where those advancements are most obvious is in the number of accessories designed to help you do more with your water heater. One that you might be interested in is a water heater timer. What is it and is it an accessory that you need? Let’s take a closer look. What Is It? A… Read more
What Is a Water Heater Programmer? 16 Jul 2024 Controlling your energy usage is an important consideration for anyone dealing with a tight budget. It’s not just about money, however. Reducing your energy consumption is also good for the planet. A water heater programmer helps you do both while still enjoying plenty of hot water when you need it. What Is It? A water heater programmer is like a water heater timer, but it’s a bit more advanced. A timer allows you to operate your water heater at the same times every day. You might choose to have it come on a couple of hours in the morning and… Read more
Water Heater Accessories: Timers vs. Programmers vs. Thermostats 9 Jul 2024 If you’re like most people, you expect hot water to flow out when you open the hot tap. That’s the entire point of a water heater, right? While that might be true, your unvented cylinder needs several different accessories to operate correctly and to help you customise your water heating to your schedule and usage needs. The three most commonly needed accessories are timers, programmers, and thermostats. Many UK homeowners are unsure what the difference is between these devices or whether they need one, two, or all three. In this post, we’ll help you make sense of your options. Thermostats… Read more
Tips to Help Maximise Your Hot Water 2 Jul 2024 Struggling with no hot water? If you’ve checked the water heater’s circuit breaker, power/fuel supply, and connection to the mains and found nothing, chances are good that you’ve simply used all the hot water in the cylinder, and it hasn’t had a chance to refill and heat up once more. While you wait, why not explore a few tips that can help you maximise the hot water your cylinder produces? Aeration Is Your Friend A simple tip to help you reduce the amount of hot water used at many of the taps in your home is to install aerators. These… Read more
The Ultimate Guide to Water Heater Efficiency 25 Jun 2024 Saving money and reducing energy usage are important considerations for most UK households. Chances are good that you turn off lights when you’re not in the room and program your home’s thermostat so that it operates minimally when you’re not home. However, your water heater could be an overlooked source of inefficiency. Our guide will help you fine-tune it to reduce your operating costs and environmental impact. Age If your water heater is 10 years old or older, replace it. Yes, that means incurring an additional expense but considering most cylinders don’t last longer than this and that modern cylinders… Read more
Proper Unvented Cylinder Sizing and Usage Strategies 18 Jun 2024 Whether you’re upgrading from a too-small unvented cylinder or installing one in a brand-new home, it’s crucial to get a few things right. First, you need the right capacity, so sizing is a major concern. Second, you need to understand how your usage affects water and energy consumption and then develop strategies to match. This post will address both topics. Sizing Considerations When buying a new unvented cylinder, capacity is an important metric. It tells you how many litres your cylinder will hold, but that affects other things. If the capacity is too low, you may not have enough hot… Read more
Is It Cheaper to Set Your Water Heater Timer to “Always On”? 11 Jun 2024 Water heater timers allow you to set a specific schedule for heating the water your household needs. However, they a couple of settings and there’s an argument out there that holds it’s cheaper to set your timer to “always on” rather than “clock”. Is this true? What’s the story here? Is It True? In a word, no, it is not cheaper to leave your timer set to “always on”. The better option is to set it to “clock” and then choose times that correspond with your usage schedule. That can be hard, since most people’s schedules vary over several days… Read more
Can You Replace a Combination Valve on Your Own? 4 Jun 2024 Caring for your unvented cylinder is an important part of being a proactive homeowner. However, while there are maintenance-related things you can do, there are many you should leave for qualified professionals. What about replacing the combination valve? The short answer is no, you should not attempt to replace your unvented cylinder’s combination valve on your own. Always opt to let a G3-qualified technician handle this. With that out of the way, let’s dive a little deeper into the question and learn more about the combination valve, its role within your unvented cylinder, and just why you would avoid replacing… Read more
Top Signs Your Water Heater Is Leaking 21 May 2024 Modern water heaters are designed to last for years with little need for worry. However, they’re not immortal. Eventually, your unit will need to be replaced. If you don’t, it will begin leaking, potentially causing major damage to your home, or creating dangerous situations. So, how do you tell if your water heater is leaking? Here are a few key signs to look for. 1. Rusty Water When you open the hot tap, the water should run clean and clear. If you notice that it has a reddish hue, that’s a good sign that rust is forming within your cylinder.… Read more
Tips to Save Money on Hot Water Usage 14 May 2024 Whether you’re building your household budget or trying to deal with the rising costs of living, hot water usage is probably on your list. Thankfully, it’s not one of the cuts you’ll need to make. Hot water is not just a modern convenience – it’s a necessity for life. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can save money on the hot water you and your family use every day. Here are a few tips to get you started. 1. Use Water When Electricity Is Most Affordable Throughout much of the UK, electric rates are lowest late at night… Read more

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