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4 Ways an Unvented Cylinder Improves Your Home’s Efficiency and Reduces Energy Consumption 19 Dec 2023 Looking for ways to make your home more energy efficient? You’re among millions of UK residents doing so for a variety of reasons, from the desire to save money to feeling some degree of energy independence to protecting the planet. While you can do many things, replacing your aging water cylinder with a modern unvented cylinder can do a great deal to enhance energy efficiency and cut consumption. Here are four ways you benefit from installing a modern unvented cylinder. 1. Better Insulation Makes a Big Difference An unvented cylinder’s ability to maintain a specific internal temperature is the key… Read more
4 Tips to Improve Unvented Cylinder Efficiency 12 Dec 2023 Life before the invention of unvented cylinders was much more complicated. To have hot water at the taps, you had to install a cold-water cistern near the top of your home. Even then, you didn’t have mains pressure hot water or the same pressure at all the taps in the house. Unvented cylinders have changed things dramatically. However, that doesn’t mean that yours is as efficient as it could be. Here are four simple tips to improve unvented cylinder efficiency, reduce costs, and even benefit the environment. 1. Drain and refill the cylinder Most municipal water supplies contain some degree… Read more
Insulating Your Unvented Cylinder: How and Why It’s Important 23 Oct 2023 Unvented cylinders offer mains pressure hot water at every tap in your home. Today’s models are also more efficient than ever before, ensuring that you’re able to enjoy all the hot water your family needs while reducing the costs of heating that water. However, there are things you can do to help improve that efficiency and performance. One of them is to insulate your unvented cylinder. But how do you go about doing that? And why is it important? Why It’s Important to Insulate Your Unvented Cylinder Without insulation, your water cylinder is exposed to the surrounding air. During the… Read more
How Much Does It Cost to Replace My Water Heater 12 Oct 2023 Have you noticed that you have less hot water available than previously? Maybe your water heater has failed outright, and you have no hot water at all. Either way, you will certainly need to know how much it costs to replace a water heater. The simple answer is “it depends”. Let’s explore the many factors that will affect the price you pay. Type of Water Heater The most significant factor here is the type of water heater you choose to install. A simple unvented, copper cylinder could cost between £200 and £400, with labour to install adding another £30 to… Read more
Best-Temperature What’s the Best Temperature to Set Your Unvented Cylinder? 15 Jun 2023 There’s nothing like opening the tap and having a steady stream of hot water pour out. It’s ideal for washing dishes, bathing, and so many other things. Of course, today’s unvented cylinders allow you to set a temperature to your preference, so what’s the right option? Should you turn the heat up? Choose a lower setting? The answer is “it depends”. Getting the right temperature is important for several reasons, and we’ll walk you through them in this blog post. The Prime Range Unvented cylinders should be set within a narrow temperature band, just 60 to 65 degrees Celsius. Note:… Read more
How Can I Make My Home’s Hot Water Last Longer? 15 Jun 2023 Does using your dishwasher mean that you must wait for the water cylinder to warm again before you can wash your hands at the sink? Is your store of hot water depleted with a single shower? It’s a frustrating situation, certainly. However, there are plenty of things you can do to make your home’s hot water last longer. In this post, we’ll explore some of the simplest options available to you. 1. Check Your Cylinder’s Thermostat Your unvented cylinder temperature is controlled by a thermostat. It should be set between 60 and 65 degrees C to kill bacteria but not… Read more
Critical Tips to Help You Save Energy with Your Unvented Cylinder 27 Aug 2021 Your unvented cylinder provides you with a reliable source of hot water for all your bathing and washing needs. Life without access to hot water on demand would be unthinkable, and certainly less than ideal. However, that water cylinder requires energy to heat water, and that costs money. While you can’t eliminate those costs entirely, there are ways to make your cylinder more efficient, reducing energy consumption and your bill at the same time. Read more
Home Energy Consumption: How Much Does It Cost to Operate an Electric Boiler? 21 Jun 2020 Whether you’re using it just to heat water for bathing and washing up, or you’re heating your entire home with it, your boiler is a critical component. If you’re thinking about installing a new one in your home, you may be on the fence about whether you should go with gas, oil, or an electric boiler. Electric models offer quite... Read more
Water Heating Costs: Is It Cheaper to Leave Hot Water on All the Time? 7 Jan 2020 Water heating costs are on everyone’s mind. Your unvented cylinder provides you with a reliable source of hot water for all your bathing and washing needs. Life without access to hot water on demand would be unthinkable, and certainly less than ideal. However, that water cylinder requires energy to heat water, and that costs money. While you can’t eliminate those costs entirely, there are ways to make your cylinder more efficient, reducing energy consumption and your bill at the same time. Read more
Water too hot? 8 May 2019 Your hot water cylinder helps ensure that you have access to a ready store of hot water for bathing, washing dishes, or any other task. However, sometimes the water inside that cylinder just isn’t the right temperature. Do you open the tap to find that your water just isn’t hot enough? Perhaps you’re worried that very hot water might... Read more

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