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What’s the Best Temperature to Set Your Unvented Cylinder?

15 June 2023

There’s nothing like opening the tap and having a steady stream of hot water pour out. It’s ideal for washing dishes, bathing, and so many other things. Of course, today’s unvented cylinders allow you to set a temperature to your preference, so what’s the right option? Should you turn the heat up? Choose a lower setting?

The answer is “it depends”. Getting the right temperature is important for several reasons, and we’ll walk you through them in this blog post.

The Prime Range

Unvented cylinders should be set within a narrow temperature band, just 60 to 65 degrees Celsius.

Note: This is the temperature in the cylinder, it is not the temperature at the outlet. The temperature of the water delivered to the user should kept about 45 degrees and certainly not higher than 50 degrees Celsius because of the danger of scalding. This reduction in temperature can be achieved by temperature limiting blending valves and other devices.

Here’s why that matters.

It’s about Health

Another reason to keep your unvented cylinder at the right temperature has to do with your health. Water stored in an unvented cylinder is subject to bacterial growth. Legionella is the most famous type that can colonise your pipes and cylinder and is responsible for Legionnaires’ disease. It’s not the only one, either. However, bacteria cannot survive in hot environments. By setting your thermostat between 60 and 65 degrees C, you create an environment hostile to bacterial growth and help protect your family.

It’s about Energy Usage

Finally, setting your thermostat between 60 and 65 degrees C ensures that your water is hot enough to ward off bacteria but not so hot that you’re overpaying to heat it. Any hotter and you would need to mix more cold water with it to make it usable, meaning that you’re paying for energy to heat the water unnecessarily. So, setting your thermostat at the correct temperature can also save you money over the course of the year.

It’s about Safety

One of the most important reasons to keep your unvented cylinder between 60 and 65 degrees C and the outlet between 40 – 45 degrees C, is that it’s safest for the people in your home, particularly little ones with sensitive skin. This way, you remove the risk of bacterial build-up and help to avoid scalds.

How to Set Your Unvented Cylinder Thermostat

Setting the right temperature is important, but doing so may be challenging for some homeowners. The process will vary depending on the type of thermostat your unvented cylinder uses. For older-style gauge-type thermostats, you will simply need to turn the gauge until the arrow points to the desired temperature. If your thermostat is digital, you will need to press the up or down arrow until the desired temperature is displayed on the readout. If you set the temperature too high, you might start to hear strange sounds or whistling noises

Professional Help When You Need It

Unsure how to set your unvented cylinder’s temperature? The EasyFlow team can help. We’ll be happy to inspect your cylinder and set the temperature. We can also offer annual maintenance to ensure that your cylinder is properly maintained, that the temperature is always correct, and that you’re able to spot signs of wear and tear before it fails. Get in touch with us today.



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