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Why Are Unvented Water Cylinders So Popular?

10 Apr 2022

UK homeowners, business owners, and apartment owners have two options when it comes to water heaters – vented or unvented cylinders. While vented cylinders have been in use for a very long time, unvented cylinders are newer, and they are growing in popularity. The Range Tribune is a good example of a well designed cylinder at a reasonable price. Why do so many people love them? We’ll explore that in this post.

1. Mains Pressure Hot Water At EVERY Tap

With an unvented water cylinder, you get mains pressure hot water at every tap in the house, even those close to the cylinder. With traditional vented cylinders, that’s not the case. Since vented cylinders rely on gravity to feed the hot water, taps closer to the cylinder have less pressure.

2. Space-Saving Design

You will also find that unvented water cylinders are more compact than their unvented cousins. This means that you can save space when installing one. In many cases, unvented cylinders contain an internal expansion vessel, which means that there is no need for an external vessel, making these both shorter and narrower than most vented cylinders, which require an external feeder tank.

3. Install Anywhere

We’ve already mentioned one of the main problems with vented water cylinders. They require gravity to move water to the taps, which means they must be installed high up in the home. Unvented cylinders do not require gravity’s help. Thus, they can be installed almost anywhere in the home, from the attic to the basement to behind the kitchen wall – wherever it works best to save space and create the best possible layout for the homeowner.

4. Quiet Operation

For many people, vented cylinders are quite noisy. That’s because of cold water filling up the water storage cistern. With unvented cylinders, there is no need for a cistern. Cold water flows directly into the insulated tank, which dramatically decreases the amount of noise while still ensuring a constant supply of hot water at all the taps in the home.

5. Sealed for Your Protection

Anyone who has ever experienced water contamination in an unvented cylinder will never forget it. Because these cylinders are vented to the outside atmosphere, it’s possible for bacteria to enter the system, causing foul odours, changes in water colour, and other problems. Unvented cylinders are completely sealed, though, so there is no fear of alien bacteria entering the water cylinder from the surrounding environment.

6. They’re Efficient

Finally, you will find that unvented cylinders are more efficient than vented cylinders. They’re also more efficient than combi boilers, which have become quite popular since they were introduced in the 1970s. With greater efficiency, you get a more reliable supply of hot water with less energy consumption, which lowers both your energy costs and your carbon footprint.

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider an unvented water cylinder. They’re efficient, space-saving, sealed for your protection, and able to deliver mains pressure hot water to every tap in your home. Contact EasyFlow today to schedule a consultation to learn more about your options.


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