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Specialists in Electric Hot Water Cylinders

Want to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill? Check Out These 5 Tips

16 January 2024

Finding ways to save money and make ends meet can be challenging. That’s particularly true when it comes to the water you and your family use in the home. The good news is that it’s surprisingly simple to cut more than a few quid from your electricity bill for heating water with a few simple steps. Below, we’ll discuss five tips to help you save more.

1. Reduce your hot water usage

This is perhaps the simplest tip imaginable. If you want to save money on hot water, using less of it will certainly help. Here are a few examples of hidden hot water waste in most homes:

  • Wash your clothing in cold water

  • Use your dishwasher instead of handwashing dishes

  • Use warm water rather than hot water for bathing

2. Change your thermostat settings

The two primary components of your water bill are the amount of water you use overall and the energy used to heat water. By adjusting your thermostat settings lower, you can greatly reduce the latter. However, do not lower the temperature below 50 degrees C. This is the threshold at which bacteria like Legionella can thrive. We recommend keeping your unvented cylinder’s thermostat between 60 and 65 degrees C for safety.

3. Replace your aging cylinder

How old is your hot water cylinder? If it’s 10 years old or older, consider replacing it. Newer models are much more energy efficient (and more affordable than you might think). Today’s unvented cylinders offer high-performance insulation, reduced energy consumption, and other benefits that can help ensure you have access to all the hot water you need while saving you money and reducing your energy usage at the same time. Not sure which unvented cylinder is right for you? We can help you understand the various models on the market and choose the right one.

4. Check for leaks

Ever wonder why your water bill is higher than it should be when you’re using less water than normal? It could be a sign that you have leaks in your plumbing. Shower/bath and sink faucets are prime suspects here, but don’t forget to look deeper. Your unvented cylinder could also be a problem. Check around the cylinder for signs of water leaks. Make sure you check the tundish, too. If you spot water in it, it’s a sign that your cylinder is discharging water due to dangerously high internal pressure.

5. Install heat traps

Heat traps are designed to help stop your unvented cylinder from bleeding heat away. You’ll find two types on the market – loop pipes and heat trap nipples. The latter is a newer design and offers better performance and improved heat retention.

Ready to take the next step in reducing your water bill? Get in touch with the team at EasyFlow. We can help identify hidden leaks and other costs so that you can save money while enjoying all the hot water you need. We can also help you choose a replacement unvented cylinder to upgrade your outdated model.


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