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Specialists in Electric Hot Water Cylinders
As you can see from the information above, unvented cylinders are generally better suited to modern life. However, that may still not be the right choice for your home. For instance, if you have a vented cylinder currently, connected to a regular heating system, then an unvented cylinder might over pressurise your heating system, causing problems.
Another issue here is the mains pressure. If your mains pressure is low, an unvented cylinder is not going to improve things very much. Instead, you may need to have a pump installed to improve water pressure.
Yet another consideration is the number of people in your home and the number of bathrooms you have. If two or more bathrooms will be used at the same time, this can create a drop in pressure for both with an unvented cylinder. With an older, vented-style cylinder, the cold-water tank ensures ample volume to prevent a pressure drop, although the system’s pressure will be lower than with an unvented cylinder in the first place.
Unsure whether to install a vented cylinder or an unvented cylinder? It can be quite challenging. While most UK homes are best off with a modern unvented cylinder, that is not the case for every home. A number of factors should be considered.
First, you should begin with an understanding of how vented and unvented cylinders stack up to one another. In general, unvented cylinders do not create the same water pressure as vented cylinders, require more space for installation, and must be installed near the top of the home. Unvented cylinders offer mains pressure water, can be installed almost anywhere, and require less space, but must be installed by specially licensed plumbers (G3-compliant).
You also need to consider other factors, including the number of people in the home, the number of bathrooms, whether you’ll connect the cylinder to your central or underfloor heating system, and more. Call EasyFlow today to schedule a professional consultation. One of our G3-licensed plumbers will be happy to discuss your needs and help ensure that you get the best water heater for your home and your family’s needs.
EasyFlow can send an engineer to you if you’re located in Greater Manchester, Warrington, Liverpool and Chester.
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