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Specialists in Electric Hot Water Cylinders

Why Does My Water Heater Keep Turning Off?

16 May 2023

When they work properly, water heaters provide ample heated water for washing dishes and bathing. However, if your water heater keeps turning off, it’s not just an inconvenience. It’s a sign that there’s something wrong with your system. Call an experienced, certified plumber as soon as possible to inspect and service your unvented cylinder.

Is Your Water Heater Electric?

If you have an electric water heater that keeps turning off, you could be experiencing several different problems. Here are some of the most common issues EasyFlow technicians have discovered working with electric unvented cylinders.

Thermostat – Your unvented cylinder is equipped with a thermostat that’s designed to help prevent it from overheating/over-pressurising. If the thermostat fails, the entire cylinder will be inoperable.

Pressure Valve – Unvented cylinders are under immense internal pressure. That’s what allows them to deliver mains pressure hot water to your taps. However, that pressure can be dangerous, so your water heater is equipped with a pressure valve. If the valve fails, the cylinder will not operate.

Loose/Bad Wire – Your unvented cylinder requires a steady flow of electricity to operate. That electricity is delivered by wiring. If a wire is loose or there’s a faulty connection somewhere, it may cause your unit to trip the circuit breaker, causing it to turn off continually.

Control Panel Problems – A problem within the control panel can also cause your electric unvented water cylinder to turn off continually (usually by tripping the breaker).

Bad Breaker – Finally, the problem could be the breaker itself. Over time, breakers will wear out and need to be replaced. If yours is nearing the end of its lifespan, it could be causing your problems.

Don’t Troubleshoot It Yourself

It’s tempting to try to troubleshoot water heater problems on your own. While that might be fine with vented cylinders, don’t attempt it with an unvented cylinder. The high internal pressure means that repairs/services can be dangerous and UK law requires that these cylinders be serviced by certified technicians only.

At EasyFlow, we’ve worked with clients throughout the UK to troubleshoot water heater problems, including cylinders that continually turn off. Our technicians are certified and carry most required parts on their trucks, so we’re almost always able to provide same-day repairs. We also offer annual maintenance plans that help you avoid this situation in the first place. Get in touch with us today.


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