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Unvented Water Cylinder Engineers
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Water Heater Maintenance: Does an Electric Boiler Need Maintenance? 25 Mar 2020 Water Heater Maintenance: Does an Electric Boiler Need Maintenance? Gas heat is used throughout much of the UK. However, there are millions of homes that are not connected to the gas network that still need hot water and heat. Electric boilers offer a viable solution there, providing plenty of performance, reliability, and... Read more
Understanding Your Water Heater: How Do Unvented Cylinders Work? 10 Mar 2020 Today, there are two types of water heaters used in residential applications. One type is older and has been around for a long time – vented cylinders. The other – an unvented cylinder – has been in use for several decades, but still represents newer technology and is harder for consumers to understand. At Easy Flow, our goal is to... Read more
What Qualifications Are Required to Service an Unvented Cylinder Safely? 29 Jan 2020 Unvented cylinders offer better pressure in the shower and at the taps. They also offer numerous other benefits over old, vented styles. However, because they are not vented, they must be installed and maintained by qualified, licensed engineers. As a homeowner, it’s important that you understand what qualifications are... Read more
Is an Unvented Cylinder Better Than a Vented Cylinder? 10 Sep 2019 The ability to heat and store water in our homes reduces wasted time and effort and adds a lot of convenience to our lives. However, there are several options available to you in terms of how you achieve that. For UK residents, the primary choice is between vented and unvented cylinders. Once, unvented cylinders were the only... Read more
How Does an Unvented Cylinder Work? 31 Jul 2019 Once upon a time, all water heaters installed in the UK were vented to the outside atmosphere. However, that changed in 1986, when unvented cylinders were made legal. These allowed homeowners to enjoy a number of benefits that were not possible with older, unpressurised types. Today, unvented cylinders are very... Read more
How Does a Combination Valve Work? 15 Jul 2019 Unvented cylinders have greatly changed how UK residents access hot water within their homes. Rather than dealing with low water flow, they help ensure good pressure and excellent flow at all taps, all the time. However, in order to operate safely, unvented cylinders require a number of components. One you may have... Read more
Why Is Annual Water Cylinder Maintenance Important? 17 Jun 2019 It is tempting to forget about your water heater, particularly if it is working just fine. After all, out of sight is out of mind. And, if the cylinder is functioning just fine, why worry about it in the first place? While that might seem like a common-sense approach, it is the wrong one to take. Your unvented water cylinder actually needs... Read more
How to Size a Hot Water Cylinder Replacement 21 Sep 2018 It has served your family well for many years, but it has finally given up the ghost – your water heater has failed. Now it’s time to replace it. While you may decide that going with a replacement cylinder of the same size is the best idea, you may also find that it’s time to change sizes. How do you determine the right size for your needs... Read more
5 Reasons You Need to Switch from a Vented to an Unvented Water Heater 16 Jul 2018 Thinking about replacing your aging water heater? If so, now is the perfect time to upgrade to an unvented water cylinder if you still have a vented model. What makes an unvented water heater the better option, though? Here are five reasons to make the switch from vented to unvented water cylinder. 1. Installation Flexibility One... Read more

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