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5 Reasons You Need to Switch from a Vented Water Heater to an Unvented Water Heater

16 Jul 2018
Thinking about replacing your aging water heater? If so, now is the perfect time to upgrade to an unvented water cylinder if you still have a vented model. What makes an unvented water heater the better option, though? Here are five reasons to make the switch from vented to unvented water cylinder.

1. Installation Flexibility

One of the most important reasons to switch to an unvented water heater is that you get to benefit from increased flexibility when it comes to installation location. Vented water heaters cannot produce pressure on their own, which means they need to be located high up to make use of gravity to power the hot water feed. Unvented systems do not have that problem, so they can be located anywhere that’s convenient for you and can be tied into the water lines.

2. Better Water Pressure

As hinted at above, another reason to make the switch to an unvented water cylinder is that you can enjoy better hot water pressure at all the taps. If you’ve been struggling with sluggish hot water pressure and too much cold water pressure, an unvented cylinder can be the answer. Because these systems create pressure within them, they’re able to supply mains pressure hot water at all the taps in your home.

3. Less Hassle

Vented hot water heaters might have once been the most common option in the UK, but they’re increasingly falling out of favour, largely due to the increased need for maintenance. That’s additional hassle and cost that you don’t need to worry about with an unvented model. That’s not to say that unvented cylinders never experience problems, they do. However, they create less hassle overall, which is always a good thing.

4. Less Need for Attic Space

A vented water heater must be installed in the attic of your home. That takes up space that you might be able to use for some other purpose. It might be storage, or you might be considering converting your attic into living space. Whatever the situation, having a water heater in the way can cause problems. With an unvented water cylinder, you don’t need to worry about that, as the cylinder can be installed on the ground floor if you like.

5. Less Risk of Contamination

Finally, you’ll discover that unvented water heaters have a lower risk of contamination. The vent in a vented cylinder allows air to enter the system. That air can be contaminated by bacteria and harmful pathogens. With an unvented system, that is not the case. Of course, you do need to keep the water temperature high enough for safety purposes.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to consider making the switch to an unvented water cylinder from a vented model. Of course, it’s not quite so simple – you’ll need to work with a professional with unvented certification to install your water heater. We invite you to call EasyFlow at 0161 941 5571.

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